Some of our Veterinary Services include:
digital radiography & ultrasound
Our x-ray machine generates digital images that are stored immediately and permanently to your pet’s computerized medical record. The images can be enlarged, rotated and otherwise manipulated to more easily visualize and diagnose skeletal and soft tissue diseases. Additionally, the images can be burned to a CD for you to take home, or sent via the internet for specialist consultations. We also perform ultrasounds to help aid in the accurate diagnosis of your pet's illness.

laser therapy & laser surgery
The therapeutic laser is used for the treatment of pain and accelerated tissue repair. It is a non-painful, non-invasive modality that treats many conditions (ie: osteoarthritis, post-surgical pain, ear disease, oral disease, skin infections and more). The CO2 surgical laser reduces the pain and swelling associated with invasive procedures. Our surgical laser offers precision cutting while sealing blood vessels and nerve endings resulting in reduced discomfort and faster healing times.
soft tissue surgery
Surgical patients will have pre-anesthetic lab work, an intravenous catheter, endotracheal intubation, state-of-the-art monitoring equipment, pain management, and patient warming devices to help ensure a safe and comfortable procedure and recovery. From “routine” procedures such as spays and neuters, to abdominal exploratory surgeries and beyond, we will cater an anesthetic protocol to your pet’s unique needs. We also perform Cryosurgery which is a surgical technique that utilizes liquid nitrogen to freeze unwanted tissue and consequently destroys it. Used in people as well as in dogs and cats, the treatment causes the tissue which is frozen to fall off or dissolve.

orthopedic surgery
Orthopedic and complex surgeries that might otherwise be referred to a specialty facility can be scheduled in advance with one of our talented surgeons. We are proud to offer our clients this convenient and often money-saving option.
vaccine protocols catered for individuals
One size does not fit all when it comes to vaccinations. We take age, breed, and lifestyle into account when we design a vaccine protocol that will be safe and effective for your pet. Some vaccines carry a higher risk for side-effects versus the chance that your pet may actually fall ill to the disease they immunize against. Over-vaccination may lead to certain cancers and autoimmune diseases as our pets age, so it is important to minimize vaccinations when medically prudent.

Microchipping is the safe and professional way to identify an animal. While collars may fall off and identification tags may get lost, a microchip stays with your pet for life. Each microchip contains a personal, one-of-a-kind identification number that associates an animal as part of a family. The information connected to each chip includes the animal’s guardian, veterinarian's information, alternate contact and the animal's personal information. The microchip is smaller than a grain of rice and is completely harmless. Just like a vaccination, the microchip is injected under the skin of an animal (typically in the scruff of the neck) where it remains safely for life.
Dental care is very important for your pet’s long-term health. Although you might initially only notice your pet’s unpleasant breath, untreated dental disease can lead to problems within your pet’s heart and kidneys. We will check your pet’s teeth during each routine examination. To choose the best food and supplies for your baby, we recommend talking to one of our doctors. Most dogs and cats are in need of a routine dental examination, radiographs and cleaning between ages 3 and 4. Additionally, many animals require dental services for various conditions such as retained deciduous teeth, fractured teeth, stomatitis gingivitis, oral tumors, malocclusion, tooth resorption, advanced periodontal disease and more. Department-dedicated Registered Veterinary Technicians and your pet’s Veterinarian will create an individualized anesthetic plan. Pre-procedure blood testing, iv catheterization and fluids administration, multi-parameter monitoring, and heat support are provided for anesthetic safety and patient comfort. We will radiograph each oral quadrant using our state-of-the-art digital dental radiograph machine to assess tooth root health and plan the best procedure (and at-home oral health care) for your pet.

We have the ability to diagnose and treat many common eye ailments. Our facility can test intraocular pressure and tear production, check for lesions on the cornea and for abnormalities within the anatomy of the eye. While some complex ophthalmic conditions may require a visit with a specialist, we can get some of the initial diagnostics out of the way and refer your pet to a trusted eye care center in your area.
We offer cardiac auscultation, digital thoracic radiographs and electrocardiograms to determine heart health. Our pharmacy stocks a wide range of medications to treat heart disease. Should the need arise, your pet can be referred to our on-site board-certified cardiologist. Please call for details or to schedule a consultation.
laboratory services
Diagnostic testing is available from both our in-hospital laboratory and our outside reference laboratory. Blood tests can check for vaccine immunity, various viruses, endocrine problems, organ function, cell counts and much more. Although most people only think of running lab tests when the patient is ill, we also recommend routine screenings based upon age, health status and other factors. Additional tests include biopsy, fecal exams, cytology and urinalysis. some results can be obtained while you wait while others may take a few days.

behavior medicine
Companion animals can also suffer from depression, anxiety, hyperactivity, aggression and other mental diseases. Medications and behavior modification can help to alleviate symptoms and help these pets become more manageable in a home environment.
allergy testing & treatment
We offer serum antibody allergy testing. this blood test checks for food, environmental and inhalant allergies specific to your pet’s home zip code. It is a minimally-invasive way to determine why your allergic pet may be so uncomfortable. Test results include food recommendations and can be used to prepare a customized treatment protocol for injections that can be administered either in our facility or in the comfort of your home.

pharmacy, nutrition & home-care products
For your convenience, we have an extensive in-house pharmacy along with a full range of medicated shampoos, parasite preventatives, neutraceuticals, vitamins and dental health supplies. We are happy to give you a written prescription so that you can pick up your pet’s medication at a local or online pharmacy of your for a lower cost. We want you to get the best value on your pet’s prescriptions and special diets, but if the price seems too good to be true, it just might be. Not all online pharmacies are created equal. For guaranteed products shipped to your home from the same distributor we utilize, we are pleased to offer the VetsFirstChoice link on our homepage. VetsFirstChoice prices are competitive with other large online pet prescription retailers.